ACODA is a longitudinal study that aims to provide the big picture of digital technology use in early childhood.
By engaging thousands of families across Australia, we will learn more about how digital technologies are used by young children and understand the impact of technology use.
The survey is run by Wallis on behalf of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child (Digital Child).
The ACODA Wave 2 survey opens for the second cohort of respondents from 3rd of February 2025 to 30th of March 2025.

Be part of a world-first study to investigate children’s digital engagement at a population level, documenting and tracking patterns of more than 3000 Australian families and their children from six months to six years of age.
Update my details
This survey will be conducted once a year for at least four years. Please let us know if your contact details change so we can keep in touch with you.
We won’t send you spam. Your contact information will be used to let you know how the study is progressing, for example, to update you on the results of the research and let you know when the next survey is available.
Digital Child
The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child is the world’s first research centre dedicated to creating positive digital childhoods for all Australian children.
Our work supports young children growing up in a rapidly changing digital age.
You can find out more at www.digitalchild.org.au
Gift cards
A $50 eGift card is available to all participants who complete the Wave 2 survey online or by telephone by the survey deadline.
Support services
If you need to speak to someone for support, we encourage you to contact one of the following helpline services.
Further information
If you have any questions about the study or how your personal data is being stored, please get in touch.